The Anti-Federalist Party
The Anti-Federalist Party faces the problems our founding fathers did. For this reason, we have brought the name from antiquity into the modern era. Everything the Anti-Federalist fought against has become the currency of our day, and together we will take back our Empire of Liberty.
Our stance is simple. We believe in a limited federal government.
A strong state government
We believe that America is a constitutional republic and not a democracy
We believe that all men are created equal
We do not believe in the artificial aristocracy created by career political families and the extremely wealthy.
We do not believe in the Federal Reserve or a national bank.
We believe the dollar must be put back to the gold standard.
We do not believe the National Guard is the militia. We believe each state should adhere to the militia clause in the constitution.
We believe that These United States are sovereign and independent nation -states united by the constitution.
We believe the federal government does not have the right to tax income or property.
We believe the federal government's job is to carry out constitutional enumerated powers and nothing more.
We do not believe in entangling ourselves in foreign wars.
We believe the Republican and Democrat parties are nothing more than a maniacal oligarchy that lords over the people and gets away with murder. They are no longer servants but rather a pseudo-aristocratic ruling elite.
We believe there are only two genders, male and female.
We believe that teaching children to hate their only leads to the destruction of their country.
We believe the Native American tribes are sovereign and independent nations and should be treated as trusted allies and not second-class citizens.
The Anti-Federalist party does not believe in race distinction. We only recognize the human race, for who can tell us the color of a man's soul?
We believe that industry and jobs should stay in America and our food should be grown naturally here in America.
We believe the prosecutors' job does not end at a certain tax bracket or stop when the criminal is a politician.
We believe in the Constitution and Bill of Right
By Bryce L.S. Provance​